
Together, for a responsible, healthy and inclusive culture

Whisteblowing reports

In our quest to reshape the world we live in and champion a culture of respect, we’ve begun with ourselves.

This is why we have equipped ourselves with a corporate compliance tool – enabling employees, suppliers, clients, and external collaborators to confidentially and securely report any instances of misconduct they may encounter during their activities.

If you have witnessed any unlawful behavior or have reason to suspect it might occur, we wholeheartedly encourage you to report it, free from any concerns about potential retaliation or discrimination. It’s worth noting that the Integrity Line Platform is managed by an independent third-party company, EQS Group AG, fully dedicated to safeguarding the whistleblower’s identity under all circumstances.

Every report contributes to the defense and success of our Ethical Code, promoting a corporate culture based on transparency, ethical respect for every internal and external stakeholder, and the rejection of any form of injustice.

The misconduct reporting system – mandated by Legislative Decree No. 24/2023 (“Whistleblowing”) – can be accessed via the following internal channel: https://filoblu.integrityline.com/

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